Writing this was fun and also wasn't easy trying to sum up months worth of experience in just a few paragraphs. Even more challenging, my three months sprint learning with DevCareer and Progate is gradually coming to an end.
Around may, DevCareer the most loved by Nigerian aspiring developers started an initiative during the Covid19 pandemic to help and support developers with free learning subscription to Progate and also Internet data for three months. I was overwhelmed with hope and showed interest with faith, and as God would have it, I was among the chosen few. When i got the acceptance mail, You need to see me jumping like I won a lottery, lol.
Am really grateful for all I've gained from the program. It provided me with the necessary skill & experience I will need moving forward. Aside from the fact that we had really amazing mentors that are always supportive, we also have #ama sessions, I was always looking forward to asking questions because every session was always educative and fun😁. We'll be having more guests before the end of the program and am looking forward to it.
I had so much fun learning with Progate. if you need a head start in tech, I suggest you try Progate. Their way of teaching is top notch. They teach you how to crawl before you walk. To me it's like playing a tech game, to tell you how fun it is. You should give it a try.
My Experience with DevCareer has taught me more than I could have imagined. Sometimes it’s tough to recall everything I have taken in over the past months, but I feel that these are some of the most beneficial lessons I have learned.
The best way to learn how to code is to code.
I was able to put what I learnt into practice and that was really amazing because I got to learn new things from actually getting my hands dirty and also know my strengths and weaknesses.
How it started: I had a little knowledge of HTML & CSS prior to the program. For our first task, we were given less than a week to implement a design. I was so frustrated and felt like crying, because I was so sure I can't implement it. I was wowed at what I came up with, you don't know what you're capable of doing until you're challenged. So since then I knew I can do anything if am determined and willing to put in the work. Check out the first project we worked on individually: datawarehouse.netlify.app
Team work: I had really amazing folks on my team. This program gave me the feel of how it is to work in a professional team. We all were working towards achieving same goal. I was wowed at the things I achieved during that period because I was accountable and didn't want to let any of my team mates down, so I had to put in my best and it was really worth. Some really amazing folks on my team were @_feeohnah @wisestMe @Daazzlinbib @_bintMA @imartins_o they understand their role and are committed to completing the task in the most effective and efficient way possible. Check out the team project we worked on: hopper-app.netlify.app
Peer Programming: Our manager, @Okoyecb aka trouble maker😂 is a really amazing person. So he decided to try something new by bringing up the idea of peer programming. To be honest it wasn't easy having to carry everyone along. One or two of your teammates will have to be present when you implement any feature but peer programming is really awesome. I got to see the different way people approach problems, got to see where am doing well and also where am lagging. I would really love to try that again.
Communication: This is a very important and vital skill. You may know the theory on how communication works but professional etiquette and work ethics can only be developed through actual experience. Words can make or mar you, so I've improved with the way i communicate and on how to use my words wisely. Even when you don't know it, the way you talk tells a lot about you. You don't want to pass the wrong message when you actually meant no harm.
Lastly, I feel emotional when I remember that all the amazing things I've gained from the program is free, yes free. But it's not totally free is it? No, it's not. Some really amazing people dedicated their time, money, and resources in making this possible. The likes of @hackSultan @hoopsomuah @Samson_Goddy @odirionyeo @Okoyecb @progateEN @dev_careers and two anons. Thank you so very much, God bless y'all.
Thanks for reading 👋